Integrity, Respect, Friendship and Charity - the four guiding principles at the heart of Freemasonry, and values we hold dear at Palatine Lodge.

We are the oldest and most historic Lodge meeting in Wearside Masonic Temple having been consecrated on the 14th January 1757.

We are proud Sunderland Freemasons, having always met in the city. Firstly, in some of the many taverns within the old town, then in Park Terrace from 1870 (the Temple that now resides at Beamish), transferring to our current home in 1933, when Wearside Masonic Temple was opened.

We have a long and rich history, and hope to have a long and rich future. Do feel free to browse the About Palatine section for details of our past, or contact us for any other enquiry.

News and Updates

14 Jun 2024

June Round-up

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
Showcasing the newer members, May.

Heading off into recess in style, we welcomed new members at both our May and June meetings.  Ken joined us in May, a long-time colleague and friend of Denny, one of our more senior members.  Brian joined us in June, a long-time friend of some of our newer members.

We had met both socially and enjoyed beers and a curry on a few different occasions.  We knew they would be a great fit and we are pleased to be able to count them amongst our numbers.

14 Apr 2024

Meeting - April 2024

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
The WM, the APGM, plus others

As mentioned in our March update, we've been pretty active so far this year, and April was no exception.  Our Worshipful Master, Steve, was answering family duties and was on holiday, so our Immediate Past Master, Paul, took the Chair for the evening.  We were doing a double second, and fate dictated that one of the candidates was Anth, who Paul proposed into Freemasonry and initiated when he was the Worshipful Master way back in March of 2022.

25 Mar 2024

March Update

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
January's Meeting

Conscious that we haven't yet posted this year, rest assured we have been busy!

January was another Initiation.  We welcomed Brother Howell to the Lodge, He is pictured here with a number of our newer members (standing to the left of our Worshipful Master - the one with the Square on his collar for any non-masons on viewing).



26 Nov 2023

Sir William Allan

Submitted by Steve Thompson
At Scotia Engine Works, circa 1900


Sir William Allan was initiated into Palatine Lodge No. 97 in 1890 and remained a member until his death in 1903.  

He was an interesting character, his London Times Obituary, dated the 29th December 1903, documents a remarkably interesting life.

11 Nov 2023

To Be One, Ask One

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
W Rumley, M Clark, S Thompson, M Pigford

Having followed us on our Facebook page for a little while, Mick Clark contacted us via Messenger in January of 2021. We couldn't meet at the time but invited him onto a few Zoom calls so that he could get to know us, and us him. 

He was initiated into this Lodge in February of 2022, passed earlier this year, and completed his third degree on the 9th of November 2023.  

A perfect example of, to be one, ask one, and we look forward to many years of friendship.

If you're interested in joining, or would like to know more about us, do as Mick did and drop us a message.

24 Sep 2023

The Eagle has Landed

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
Harry Carter, 72 Years a Mason

For anyone that has visited Palatine, you may have noticed the name that sits atop our list of Past Masters; H. B. Carter, PProvAGStB, 1963.  It’s very unlikely that many of you have met WBro Henry Brian Carter, or know that much about him, but here is a little of his story, and ours.

11 Jun 2023

50 Years for Denny Wilson

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
ProvGM, the Warrant and Denny

Thursday the 8th of June saw well over 100 Masons attend Palatine Lodge, No. 97, at Wearside Masonic Temple to celebrate 50 years in the Craft for V.W. Bro. Prof. Denovan Keith Wilson, PGSwdB, PDepProvGM.

A man as well respected as ‘Denny’ was always sure to draw a crowd.  The Durham Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, R.W. Bro. John Paul Thompson, attended with a Deputation of Provincial Officers, which included the Deputy and two Assistants.  The Past Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Norman Eric Heaviside, was also there.  

15 May 2023

May Update

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
A visitor from overseas

We've had a very busy year so far. January's First Degree was accompanied by another First Degree in February, a Second Degree in March, a double Second Degree in April and another double Second Degree in May.  We're taking a break from ritual in June - you'll see why next month - and will be busy once more after our recess.

13 Jan 2023

A First for the First

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
The WM, Steve, the Candidate, Ian, and the SD, Ray.
The Festive Board

We started our year with yet another First Degree last night. We welcomed Bro Ian to the Lodge and to Freemasonry in general. He's pictured in the Lodge room with our WM, left, and SD, right, who were his Seconder and Proposer respectively, and have known him a combined total of over 70 years (yes, we hear you ask, why did they all wait so long!?)

As it was our Installation meeting last month, this was the first time the officers have performed their duties in their new offices. A few nerves on display but our longstanding reputation of great ritual continues.

22 Dec 2022

James Edward Harker

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
James Edward Harker

James [Jim] Edward Harker was born in Middlesbrough on 29th August 1933 into a long line of Fairground Folk [and other Jim Harkers!]:

After leaving his National Service in the RAF in November 1954, during which he worked on Spitfires as a Senior Air craftsman, Jim returned to his life in ‘Civvy’ Street and worked both at the family fairground attractions as well as pursuing a career in the automotive parts supply business.

10 Jun 2022

Continuing to Make History

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
The Lodge Warrant

As we head into our summer recess we decided to go out with a bang, performing the first double-initiation undertaken by the Lodge in over twenty years, and certainly the first ever undertaken by the current Officers of the Lodge.  Given we only had one Lodge of Instruction to rehearse the double, all of those that took part can be immensely proud of the ritual on display, once again upholding the high standards we place upon ourselves.

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