Third Degree

11 Nov 2023

To Be One, Ask One

Submitted by Wayne Rumley
W Rumley, M Clark, S Thompson, M Pigford

Having followed us on our Facebook page for a little while, Mick Clark contacted us via Messenger in January of 2021. We couldn't meet at the time but invited him onto a few Zoom calls so that he could get to know us, and us him. 

He was initiated into this Lodge in February of 2022, passed earlier this year, and completed his third degree on the 9th of November 2023.  

A perfect example of, to be one, ask one, and we look forward to many years of friendship.

If you're interested in joining, or would like to know more about us, do as Mick did and drop us a message.

17 Nov 2019

Meeting - November 2019

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

For the second November in a row, we raised a brother so that he could join the ladder of officers at our Installation meeting in December.

With December being our Installation, we first had the election of officers.  Our SW, who would have been WM this year had it not been for a hectic work schedule last year, was duly chosen as Master Elect.  Congratulations Paul.

10 Nov 2018

Meeting - November 2018

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Another busy evening for us on the night of the 8th November. As is always the case for this meeting, we first had the election of officers for the ensuing year. This was followed by raising one of our newer brothers to the degree of a Master Mason.

Unfortunately, illness, work, and holidays, beset the best laid plans of mice and men.  The three principle officers were all missing!  Thankfully, we knew a little in advance, so a substitute team was quickly put together and the ceremony went very well, once more.  A huge thank-you to all of the stand-ins; they know who they are.

10 Nov 2017

Meeting - November 2017

Submitted by Wayne Rumley

Quite a busy evening for us on the night of the 9th November. Firstly, election of officers for the ensuing year, then raising Bro Paul Wallace to the degree of a Master Mason, completing his journey.

Once again we were beset by absentees, but we did manage to find very able stand-ins to fill in for our missing officers. A huge thank-you to them all; they know who they are, with a special mention going to St. Peter's Lodge No. 8953 for the loan of their Director of Ceremonies, who acted as our ADC and performed some of the ritual.

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